Our Programmes
Affordable tutoring services for your children.
Our dedicated mentors will:
- Guide your child through fundamental skills
- Reinforce key concepts learnt in school for the different subjects, in a 1:5 mentor-to-child ratio
Sprouts for Success
Academics Literacy
Supplementing your child’s learning with established educational platforms.
At an exclusive discounted rate, your child will:
- Be subscribed to Geniebook and RazPlus
- Benefit from in-house support and activities that make use of these websites
Nurture Sprouts
Social Skills
A programme for special needs children.
Under Nurture Sprouts, we offer:
- Home-based Intervention: A 1-to-1 intervention programme for children in the comfort of their own home
- Social Skills Club: A programme that inculcates essential life and social skills in your child
- Integrated Student Care: Basic student care services with extra care and support for your child’s learning
Coding and Robotics
Digital Literacy & Coding
Preparing your child for the future.
In partnership with RoboRobo, a leading robotics education provider founded by Seoul National University graduates, we have:
- UARO Coding Robot (Ages 4 – 7): Interactive toy-building that integrates coding and robotics
- Robokit (Ages 7 – 16): Visual-based programming to create functional robots